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The situation in Argentina is complicated day by day while the adjustment policies of the current government continue, between the devaluation of the Argentine peso by more than 50%, an increase in poverty to 57% and the closure of all funds and cultural promotions. Caligari Magazine needs your help to continue existing.

Caligari Magazine is a magazine specialized in independent and author cinema, with more than 10 years of experience, a daily average of 45 thousand users/readers, and it is the only media in Argentina dedicated exclusively to cinema where all its writers charge for their contributions. . And in which its users can read about the different films and film festivals from around the world that are outside the usual agenda of the major media that are only dedicated to sharing news from Berlin, Cannes, Venice and San Sebastián.

For these reasons Caligari Magazine needs you. Donate now and help keep Caligari Magazine continuing to exist.


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